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Innovation & Creativity

C-level leaders on navigating complexity

Discover what it means to lead in today's global business environment through our insightful eBook.

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Diversity and Inclusion
Innovation & Creativity

Podcast: Unlocking neurodiverse potential

Steve Hill joins Dan to explore how organisations can better support and leverage the skills and perspectives of neurodiverse individuals, discussing practical strategies and insights on creating an...

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Aspirations for the new year and how to achieve them

Andy Dickson has managed people, teams, and functions for 32 years. He is Head of Global Customer Solutions at Impact and has recently celebrated his 25th year working here. In this anniversary series...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Three ways to reframe resilience

'Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.' – Viktor Frankl. This quote from Frankl...

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Conversations that matter

When it comes to being a human, dialogue is essential. In the workplace, dialogue builds collective understanding, raises awareness, resolves issues, and helps people and groups to align. In this...

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Question everything: the nature of curiosity in communication

Over the course of my coaching career, I’ve come to understand how much the words we use reflect our values and impact our relationships. Understanding each other is crucial when working effectively...

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Management Development

Grasp the nettle

Andy Dickson has been managing people, teams, and functions for 32 years. He is Head of Global Customer Solutions at Impact and has recently celebrated his 25th year working here. In this anniversary...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

What failure can teach us about success

In business, failure is as much a part of life as success, if not more so. Entrepreneurs are often driven by high achievement and therefore can feel setbacks deeply; but when handled in the right way...

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People management for humans

Andy Dickson has been managing people, teams, and functions for 32 years. He is Head of Global Customer Solutions at Impact and has recently celebrated his 25th year working here. In this anniversary...

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Digital & Technology

The human side of hybrid working

Hybrid. It may be one of the most talked-about phrases of the last eighteen months, but what actually is hybrid working? The answer to that is that there is no easy definition . For some people...

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How agile are you?

Assess your agility with our 3–5-minute diagnostic test. Learn how to enhance your skills and explore our leadership agility framework.

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The power of conversation

One of the most important things I have learned in my time as a manager is the importance of conversation.....

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Digital & Technology

Digital technology and the democratisation of learning

This article will argue that by embracing digital technology and the democratisation of educational opportunities, we can transform organisational learning and create the capacity for real change...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Seven ways to incorporate walking into working

A growing body of evidence demonstrates the clear physical and psychological benefits that spending time in the natural world has for human wellbeing. From improved memory, concentration, and...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Finding balance in times of change

Hannah Irwin shares insights on maintaining balance amidst constant change and stress. Discover practical tips for restoring equilibrium, the importance of support networks, and how human-centered...

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Digital & Technology

Four principles for designing digital learning technologies

The pandemic has become known as ‘the great accelerator’ of digital transformation. Lockdowns have sparked an increase in contactless payment, robotic delivery systems, and online shopping and...

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Five tips for communicating under pressure

The ability to communicate effectively in the workplace is fundamental for business success, but it can be harder to achieve than we think. Too often, messages are misunderstood, intentions are...

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When was the last time you learned something new?

As part of Impact's work on creating humancentric organisations, Grahame Broadbelt discusses the importance of new learning in organisations – the type of learning that results in new action, new...

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Cutthroat Kitchen and unconscious bias

Unconscious bias may seem like an old issue, but it is still an everyday challenge for women and many other groups of people in the corporate world. To ignore it is to risk hindering leadership...

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Are you an influencer or an awareness raiser?

I recently taught a class on negotiation. Something the group really engaged with was the idea of having empathy for the counterpart. There are many benefits to this behaviour: gaining insight into...

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Changing the team dynamic: Becoming a leader who coaches

Let’s imagine that you are excited to add coaching into your repertoire of leadership actions, but your fast-paced team is not used to being coached; on the contrary, they are used to you giving them...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Five-minute desk yoga break

We invite you to take a five-minute yoga break with Impact's Sam Carey. No yoga experience is required!

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

What are your holiday/wholeday commitments?

Holidays, are a holy time – a period to rest, relax and recharge. They are sacred occasions to honour and be grateful for. Occasions we maybe feeling particularly grateful for in the recent few months...

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Storytelling: A crucial leadership skill

How the art of storytelling can be harnessed to effectively motivate and engage talent Our life is full of stories: stories of what we have done or of what we are about to do. Our nations are built...

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Management Development

Confronting the need for confrontation

Karen Jaques is a Senior Consultant at Impact UK. Below she looks at the challenges of challenging and offers some quick tips. One of the hardest skills to acquire as a manager is that of skilfully...

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How to have challenging conversations

What should you be talking about? That challenging conversation you’ve been meaning to have… Jonathan Stevens , Head of Client Solutions, explores below. Are you avoiding a challenging conversation...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Goal setting: Don't get lost in the sauce

Homemade, jarred tomato sauce: it’s a standout on my list of goals for 2021. Amongst career, health and lifestyle aspirations, it stands out because I know it will be fun and has the potential to...

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Sustainable Innovation

Sustainability means nothing!

For me, the word ‘sustainability’ is a nonsense word. It’s completely meaningless. Victoria Halina notes that when the word ‘sustainable’ was first used in an environmental context in 1972, it didn’t...

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Podcast: From cannibals to Cambodia ft Hannes Schmid

In this episode, we hear incredible and sometimes almost unbelievable tales of photographic artist, adventurer and painter, Hannes Schmid. From being imprisoned by cannibals to photographing rock...

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Innovation & Creativity

Podcast: Challenge, innovation and change

Stories are everything. They help us understand the world and reflect on how we should live in it. They help us engage with the big unwieldy issues we encounter in our lives. At their best, they allow...

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It is time to make all organisations more human

In the world of organisational change, there are two things we hear all the time. Firstly, that change is inevitable and secondly, that most change initiatives fail. Read more.

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Surviving the lockdown: Tips from a working mum

Ever since I had my children, I have been a working mum. I am very proud of this fact, despite constant feelings of guilt – either for not being the best mum or alternatively not being who I was at...

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Human-centred change: Three reframes

Whilst the pandemic has left too many of us at the emotionally uncomfortable end of things, there is also a sense of hope and a possibility for renewal, which can create new energy and dynamism in...

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Digital & Technology

Teamwork in a virtual world

In this article Helen Hibbot shares some top tips for keeping a team connected virtually. Helen is the CEO of Impact Asia - team scattered across five different countries.

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Self-care: The performance and wellbeing enhancer

How to prevent burnout with proactive self-care strategies, focusing on physical health, emotional balance, psychological resilience, purpose, and professional well-being.

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Digital & Technology

The good, the bad, and the future of learning and development

As we entered 2021, we caught up with Impact’s founder and CEO, David Williams to get his thoughts on the biggest challenges facing the L&D sector in 2021...

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Digital & Technology

A new year ahead: What to take with us and what to leave behind

It is too easy to look back on 2020 as a terrible year – full of pain, loss, uncertainty and fear – and to discard it, moving on without a backwards glance. It is too easy because looking deeper is...

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Digital & Technology

The revolutionary role of digital technology in learning

The virtual shift that has taken place in 2020 has revolutionised the way we work and live, generating both positive and negative changes to our daily life

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