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Discover and debate opinions about what really matters in organisations.

Purple sunflower

Five top awards from Brandon Hall Group

Five Impact clients have been awarded HCM Excellence Awards® by Brandon Hall Group. We've scooped three gold, one silver and one bronze award in 2024.

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Digital & Technology

Podcast: Leading with AI: transforming organisational culture

Michael Molinaro joins Dan to discuss Gen AI, leadership and culture.

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Systems, consciousness and leadership

How does our consciousness impact our actions? What effect does our mindset have on their outcomes? Heather Monro considers the potential that vertical development theory has to revolutionise the way...

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How do we have more courageous conversations?

Here at Impact we do a lot of talking ­– a lot. But when we spend our working days going from meeting to meeting it’s very easy to fall into the trap of conversing less like human individuals and more...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Wellbeing: A collective responsibility

How can organisations support and encourage individual responsibility for wellbeing? Wellbeing in the workplace – whose responsibility is it? Perhaps more than any other initiative, it finds itself...

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In a VUCA world the biggest risk is inaction

I have found myself in lots of conversations about risk recently - with clients and partners as well as with the Impact team. Partly this is a result of a growing optimism as the global economy...

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Management Development

Leading without authority

As governments, businesses and communities around the world struggle in the continued grip of the Covid-19 pandemic, it becomes clear that what we are living through is not just a health crisis, but...

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How do you fix a strategy that's stuck?

When discussing with clients the development needs of their rising generation of talent, one of the things that we often hear is that ‘we need them to be more strategic’. What do they mean by this? I...

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Teams or groups of superstars?

"What we need to do is learn to work in the system, by which I mean that everybody, every team, every platform, every division, every component is there not for competitive profit or recognition, but...

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Life after COVID-19: Organisational survival and the need for change

Impact CEO Dave Williams shares his latest thoughts about what organisations need to do to survive the pandemic.

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Going virtual: Thoughts from a learning facilitator

Senior Consultant and Head of Global Talent UK, Charlie Somers Cocks, shares her experience of running a successful global programme in the middle of a pandemic, reflecting on our new leadership needs...

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Unlocking leadership agility

Impact define leadership agility as the ability to react quickly with adaptive and decisive leadership action to successfully address real-time challenges in your environment . As you can imagine...

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Digital & Technology

Podcast: Impact's digital transformation

Every organisation has had to embrace the digital world in some way. Here's our story about how we've done just that.

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Leading learning, leading change: what’s standing in your way?

In this volatile world, organisations of all types must keep up with the rapid pace of change in order to survive, adapting the way they work to flex around the dynamic conditions of the times. In...

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Podcast: Shift happens

Change is a people strategy. Impact helps organizations navigate rapid changes and unlock potential by involving staff in the transformation process.

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Change leadership in times of Covid-19: The questions we need to ask

We live in confusing times. Until the beginning of 2020, managers lived in a business environment that was becoming increasingly difficult and complex, characterised by the climate crisis, the growth...

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Learning agility: A key differentiator for leaders

Even before Covid-19, a leader’s ability to adapt and thrive in rapidly changing environments was a widely recognised requirement. And now, as we approach a post-pandemic future characterised by...

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Digital & Technology

Rethinking learning technology

We need to urgently rethink how we use technology to learn Last week we heard that Microsoft are exploring the idea of building their own learning application to work within Teams. Last week, here at...

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Podcast: United we stand, divided we fall

Is your team a high performing team? What does your team need in order to achieve its purpose? Impact's Team Performance Inventory (TPI) is an assessment tool which helps a team see its performance...

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5 top tips for navigating the restart

The pandemic hit us hard physically, emotionally and financially. Now we’re heading back to work in a world that is demanding we rebuild our organisations to be more than they were before: more...

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Lessons learned: Coaching to create the future

Letting go of Command and Control We know that teams and organizations that regularly coach significantly outperform those that do not. In fact, there’s probably no better way to co-create a resilient...

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Digital & Technology

Podcast: Leading remote and dispersed teams

It's no secret that COVID-19 has brought many challenges to our working world. With the increase of remote working, leadership is being tested. What can we do to stay more connected? What can we learn...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Thriving - an unexpected opportunity

In the last few months I’ve seen some of the most inspirational human behaviour (and some of the worst). Many of us have discovered the importance of staying connected and doing what we can to feel...

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Together again: Back to a better workplace

Back to a better workplace If you’re anything like me you will have been having lots of discussions about going back: back to work, back to the office, back to school, back to some form of face-to...

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Lessons from Impact China - a playbook for post Covid-19 team development

China was one of the first countries to begin heading back to work at the office about four months ago. What we have learned there can help leaders and teams everywhere: 1. Everyone has suffered...

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Sustainable Innovation

Sustainable business: Questioning the status quo

“I don't pretend we have all the answers. But the questions are certainly worth thinking about.” Arthur C. Clarke The future we want It’s easy to get complacent and assume that the status quo is...

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Seven questions for senior team performance

An organisation’s ability to survive and thrive depends on the performance of its senior leadership team. However, one of the difficulties of improving senior team performance is that individual...

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Podcast: Diaries of a task force leader

“I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you guys to act fast if you want to get out of this. So pretty please, with sugar on top, clean the f***** car!” - Winston Wolf, Pulp Fiction Extraordinary times...

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Podcast: The what, why and how of coaching

What is coaching? Why do we need it? What are the benefits of coaching? Using our experiential learning approach, we partner with leaders to inspire, develop and maximise potential. We offer a unique...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Leading yourself through turbulent times

During these turbulent times, I decided to write about my experiences with a brain tumor in order to share insights into dealing with adversity and building resilience and positivity during...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Podcast: Thriving: A New Hope

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Podcast: How mindfulness could help you

When was the last time you properly stopped? Took the time you needed just for you? To really notice what's going on with you? In this episode, Impact's Charlotte Messervy shares her story and a...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Podcast: Staying energised when you need it most

Our energy levels fluctuate more than the stock market in a pandemic! So how do we stay energised when we need it most? Whether you're a remote working veteran or rookie, Manny Larenas joins Dan to...

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Sustainable Innovation

7 phases of re-imagining your business

For years we have been told that if we really want to change, we have to imagine we have a burning platform beneath us (John Kotter 1996). Now we don’t have to. No longer do we need to disrupt...

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No learning, no change

Real change requires real learning. Is it me or are the endless lists of ‘top tips for working remotely’ or ‘seven things to do to stay productive whilst working at home’ etc. etc. all starting to...

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Innovation & Creativity

Are you a mitigator or an embracer?

Knowing vs. learning in an age of uncertainty We learn a lot about ourselves when we are put under pressure, when we are taken outside our comfort zone, or when our familiar routines are disturbed...

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From coaching time, to review time

Right now, most of what usually keeps us busy has stopped. How are we coaching at a time like this? In fact, now is the perfect time to undertake a full review of what is and what is not happening...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Wellbeing Wisdom - nine self care principles

Nine wellbeing principles from our 'Going the Distance' masterclass with Sony.

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