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Team development for graduates at PTTEP

Violet flowers


This team development programme for graduates working at Thailand’s national petroleum exploration and production company was designed to give them a deeper insight into their corporate values.

Each year, PTTEP conducts a month-long induction programme for their new graduates in order to immerse them in the company’s business ethic and culture and to equip them with business skills. Part of the induction programme is to introduce and reinforce an understanding of PTTEP's corporate values and the way they impact on their work environment.

In partnership with PTTEP, Impact designed a team development programme for 46 graduates, which integrated the PTTEP corporate values. Through a series of powerful workshops and activities, the graduates were able to gain deeper insight into the corporate values.

The programme began with the graduates working in sub-groups alongside senior staff to discuss the values and what they mean to them. Activities throughout the programme were designed to challenge the graduates and to encourage and highlight facilitated discussions of the values. Emphasis was also placed on providing opportunities for the graduates to develop a better understanding of themselves and their colleagues and to have some fun.


The programme and learning outcomes created a strong bridge for these talented graduates to cross into the professional working culture of one of Asia Pacific’s leading petroleum companies.

"The programme provided by Impact was creative and engaging. Our graduates' engagement with the activities was of huge value to PTTEP as they gained a more thorough understanding of our business ethics and corporate values as well as the importance of working as a team. The programme therefore met our objectives most satisfactorily."

Leuchai Wongsirasawad
Executive Vice President, HR and Business Services

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"Coaching for Success can help build the organisation dynamics as well as the manager’s skills to improve team performance by using GROW and PRO techniques."
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I am even more exited and enthusiastic… I feel aligned to our network of leaders around the key themes that are going to make a huge difference to our business.
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Migros Bank
The financial industry is changing rapidly, there are many disruptions knocking at our door. The shortage of professionals on the labor market not being the slightest, leaders need to interact humanly and use the power of swarm intelligence. To help us solve these problems we need to transform our business through leadership development. As we develop our leaders, we are also ready to tackle the challenges that are ahead of us, and to become more futureproof.