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About us

Meet the team

Impact is bursting with energetic, talented and passionate people who want to make a difference. Our people work from over 30 global locations.

Tim Raw, Impact
New Zealand
Tim Raw
Global Lead Solutions & Practice

Over the previous 30 years, I’ve held Impact leadership roles in Asia, America and now globally. My focus is to partner with clients to solve their people development challenges. I lead global teams to deliver inspiring solutions that solve complex social, economic and environmental challenges of our clients. In work and play, I am adventurous, ambitious and deeply about people realising their potential.

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Daniele Filzi
Daniele Filzi
Experiential Solutions Specialist, Italy

With over 20 years at Impact, I've contributed to the design and delivery of over a thousand programmes. And what if the secret of success is to continue to refine something even if you've done it dozens of times? Outside of work, I like gardening and interior design. I live on the crest of an extinct volcano, with the Mediterranean Sea to my west. After sunset I keep fit by jogging around a golf course.

Sam Rostas, Impact International
Samantha Rostas
Global Lead

After 10 years leading the UK, I am now in a global role focused on two areas: one leading a people project, the other focused on marketing. I grew up through Impact as a marketer and love the buzz of building business through brand and storytelling. My other passion is the people and culture here, so this is the ideal combination for me. When I’m not working, I love spending time with my family, enjoying the outdoors and practicing yoga.

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Magdalena Goc-Ryt, Consultant
Magdalena Goc-Ryt
Senior Consultant, Poland

Life is a path everyone makes on their own, but what happens if it crosses someone else’s? As a trainer and facilitator for over ten years, my focus has been on supporting people to untangle the complexity of communication and cooperation, and build a path that gives room to everyone in the team, in a variety or organisational structures. In my free time I love venturing outdoors with my husky dog and noticing the subtleties of nature.

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Carrie Fritz Impact International
Carrie Fritz
Head of Program Management, Americas

I'm passionate about helping those around me grow and develop. I encourage my team to bring themselves into everything they do.  Our diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives help us partner efficiently and effectively with colleagues and clients.  As a traveller at heart, I’ve visited 31 of the 50 US states, 14 countries and 8 Caribbean islands. I love experiencing new cultures, enjoying the great outdoors and trying local cuisine.

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Sarah Golding, Impact International
Sarah Golding
Head of Account Management, UK

Here at Impact I have the pleasure of managing a portfolio of impressive global programmes and a number of our key clients. I like to simplify the complex, gain clarity where there is ambiguity and drive efficiency and quality through my project teams. I love meeting different people and understanding what makes them tick! I'm full of energy, constantly smiling and always ready for the next adventure.

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Aidan Keough
Aidan Keough
Senior Consultant, Australia

I help people gain insights into themselves and their team so they can improve as individuals and work more effectively together. As a facilitator I create the right learning environment and work alongside participants providing a balance of challenge and support. I bring over 20 years of senior leadership experience. I love learning, the outdoors and am fascinated with horses. I live on a small farm with my wife and two teenage children, and a herd of horses.

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Martina Case, Impact
Martina Case
Business Support, UK

I always enjoyed working for companies who share my values and whose work I can be passionate about. I love that Impact wants to make a difference and has the purpose to help build companies worth working for. I enjoy a good adventure and have a passion for travelling, my latest adventure being swapping London life for the great outdoors of the lovely Lake District!

Francesca Filzi
Francesca Filzi
Accounting and Financial Support, Italy

I manage all Impact Italia accounting processes and love precision, tramezzini (look it up!) and silly jokes. I am also very appreciated for my former athletics experiences and I provide stretching sessions to all colleagues who need to exercise a bit after a long day in the office. I deal with a lot of internal and external stakeholders to make sure everything is ok with our clients, accounts, invoices and bills!

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Richard Parker, Impact International
Richard Parker
Consultant, UK

After several leadership positions in social enterprise, non-profit and retail, I recently fulfilled my ambition to work for one of my favourite world changing companies. Relocating from London to the Lakes has been a big step but the stunning landscape and numerous outdoor pursuits has meant I haven’t stopped exploring lakes, land and sea and I’m never short of a challenge. I use my experience and background in psychology to create organisations worth working for.

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Manny Larenas Impact International
Manuel (Manny) Larenas
Senior Consultant, Americas

I am devoted to applying theory, practical application and innovation to people development. As a lead designer and facilitator with 10+ years of experience, I deliver custom client solutions globally. My insatiable curiosity stays satisfied by reading, researching and exploring the world. I love the culinary arts, and although I enjoy cooking, my passion is simply being the consumer of freshly made, delectable dishes. 

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David Cooper, Impact International
David Cooper
Senior Consultant, Americas

I have been working in L&D since 1992 and joined Impact in 2004, providing design, management, and delivery expertise to clients around the globe. Current initiatives have me consulting with clients from multiple business sectors to coach and facilitate the development of key leadership talent. I am also a past adventure consultant and professional rock climbing guide with numerous alpine and big wall ascents around the world.

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Cassie Cuppek
Cassie Cuppek
Senior Consultant, Americas

When asked, "What do you do for work?" it is not uncommon for me to respond, "Light Bulb Moment Technician". I have been fortunate to be filled with such energy through my talent, leadership, and organisational development work. When I am not working, I take my role as Aunt Cassie with my husband, Josh, very seriously! It is the greatest thrill to teach them to ride motorcycles, do yoga, and explore the world.

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Daniel Giejbatow, Senior Consultant
Daniel Giejbatow
Senior Consultant

I have been supporting business development for over 20 years. As a Personnel Director, I was associated with the telecommunications and financial industry, I also conducted mergers and acquisitions of large financial organizations. I am a psychologist and psychotherapist by education and graduated with MBA and AMP business studies. I love outdoor activities, especially in the mountains.

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Damiao Lo
China and Hong Kong
Damiao Lo
Senior Consultant, China

Working with Impact allows me to cross-germinate ideas and learnings between clients globally. In an ever-changing, dynamic business environment, I promote everyone to be designers of possibilities.

Sarah Osteen
Sarah Osteen
Senior Consultant, Americas

I have spent my career exploring, researching, teaching, coaching and practising leadership skills. I love working with individuals and groups to tackle hurdles and develop strategic initiatives. When I am not designing programs, I like to spend time with my son and my husband building forts out of driftwood or laughing with friends in the beautiful pacific northwest.

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Luigi Sabatino
Luigi Sabatino
Senior Consultant and Facilitator, Italy

I love my job at Impact because it allows me to connect with people and put those skills to good use. As a consultant and facilitator, I enjoy helping people explore and tackle issues, increase their awareness, and uncover their potential. I enjoy jogging, hiking, studying foreign languages, and hanging out with friends on my days off.

David Muir, Impact
China and Hong Kong
David Muir
Client Solutions

An avid traveller and outdoor adventure enthusiast I jump at the opportunity to try new things and am a pioneer at heart. I have spent the better part of the last 10 years working in experiential education and am deeply committed to developing responsible and sustainable leadership. I am passionate about inspiring, motivating and engaging people to fulfil their potential.

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Zuzanna Naruszweicz, Impact Poland
Zuzanna Naruszewicz
Consultant, Poland

My area of focus is “Sustainability and Responsibility”, and I am passionate about using my years-long experience from the non-profit sector in my present job. In addition to that, I support the team in any other possible way – in translations, formatting documents, gathering data, and communication with associates. I love biking, backpacking and vegan cooking.

Sue Hunt
Sue Hunt
Board Memeber

My first school had the motto 'Aim High' and that has always resonated with me. I rise to a challenge, both personally & professionally, enjoying new situations and solving difficult & complex problems. I certainly had plenty of those as International Treasurer of Goldman Sachs and as a Director for the London 2012 Olympics & Paralympics. I joined the Board of Impact to help grow the business globally. It's great to be part of such a diverse global team!

Vesna Lorenc, Senior Consultant
Vesna Lorenc
Senior Consultant, Poland

I have been supporting people in communication for 20 years. Initially as a consultant and currently as a trainer, coach, and mediator. I am passionate about people and the complexity of human nature, and like to help tame this complexity for a specific purpose. Socially involved, I'm also a mother of three. Between all this, I find balance in meditation, yoga and nature.

Kelly Morrison
Kelly Morrison
Project Manager, UK

As a project manager, I am responsible for the end to end implementation of a programme, coordinating and managing the client services team and ensuring everything runs to schedule. I’m a massive fan of Impact, its values and ethos, and I’m incredibly proud to be a part of the company. I’m a busy mum of twins and a Bulldog, so I enjoy travelling and spending time with my friends and family. 


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Geraldina Sordi
Geraldina Sordi
Consultant and Facilitator

Since I've joined Impact, I feel like my professional development grew exponentially. I feel very empowered by the company and by the values we bring each day into work. My goal is to learn how to best support our clients in every step of a consulting journey, as well as my colleagues, bringing a real change to the process. As a way to recharge I love to take long walks with my dog. My favourite sport is to hang out with friends, especially if in foreign countries!

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Arianna Bianchi
Arianna Bianchi
Consultant and Facilitator, Italy

As a consultant, I hope to be a catalyst for change, helping others to discover what their real needs are. Empathy, curiosity, creativity, organisation and strong sense of duty are the things that most characterise me. I love the adventure and the discovery of travelling, organising outdoor trips with friends in close contact with nature… But also sharing a gin lemon or a barbecue at home is not so bad!