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Inspiring the management team at Sony

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Sony is a global manufacturer of audio, video, communications and information technology products for consumer and professional markets. Impact developed a unique two-day event to build international relationships and engage Sony’s HR managers.

Sony Europe’s HR managers meet annually to share information across the region. Impact were asked to create a challenging Community Action Learning (CAL) event to inspire the entire management team, building on Sony’s established commitment to working more closely with social enterprises to develop leadership potential.

Impact UK developed a bespoke Community Consultancy project for Sony, linking them with eight community partners with very different needs.

Each CAL project required the HR managers to articulate and apply their skills and experience to benefit an inspirational social enterprise or charity. With only two days available, each team had to quickly agree priorities; share best practice and network effectively to complete the task.

Here are details of three of the projects with community partners:


Hackney Community Transport (HCT)

HCT provide public and community transport from eight depots in London and Yorkshire, employing 450 people nationwide.

Task: Provide suggestions and methods of encouraging HCT employees to share the values of the senior team, to create a value driven culture that enhances performance and company growth.

Ilderton Foundation

The Ilderton Foundation aim to prevent motor related crime by young offenders. They offer training and educational progammes to at risk youth.

Task: The Sony Europe HR managers were asked to provide either a flexible model for staffing resources or suggest a HR strategy that included staff development options.

University of East London (UEL)

The UEL Employability team is tasked with encouraging employers to consider UEL graduates and so supporting them into work. A challenging task, as UEL is currently placed at the bottom of university league tables and is located in an area of high unemployment.

Task: Develop a strategy for employer liaison that considers the demands of the graduate labour market in relation to a typical UEL student, in order to make a positive impact on the university’s employability agenda.


The event provided the Sony HR managers with an increased appreciation of each other’s business and personal/social skills. As well as providing tangible results for all the community partners, the event has encouraged further networking between countries.

"I am writing to say a big thank you for taking the time to give your excellent presentation to HCT’s chief officers. The succinct analysis that you produced of HCT and the challenges of its management team has given us some clear pointers and has focused thought processes. Our Chief Executive, declared the experience ‘Excellent!’. - Stephen Mason, Group Finance Director, HCT 

"This initiative provided a great opportunity for community groups to foster new or better relationships with the private sector. I don’t think I am overstating the fact when I say that this is one CSR agenda that has worked and has provided tangible benefits for all concerned.” - David Wambebe, CEO, Ilderton Motor Project 

"Their analysis was exceptionally useful in reaffirming the ideas and the future strategy that the Employability team are already working on, and will be a good leverage tool with senior management.” - Mark Faulkner, Projects and Placement Coordinator, UEL 

See what our customers say about us
Stephen Mason
Group Finance Director
"I am writing to say a big thank you for taking the time to give your excellent presentation to HCT’s chief officers. The succinct analysis that you produced of HCT and the challenges of its management team has given us some clear pointers and has focused thought processes. Our Chief Executive, declared the experience ‘Excellent!’.”
David Wambebe
CEO Ilderton Motor Group
"This initiative provided a great opportunity for community groups to foster new or better relationships with the private sector. I don’t think I am overstating the fact when I say that this is one CSR agenda that has worked and has provided tangible benefits for all concerned.”
Mark Faulkner
Projects and Placemenet Coordinator, UEL
"Their analysis was exceptionally useful in reaffirming the ideas and the future strategy that the Employability team are already working on, and will be a good leverage tool with senior management.”