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Diversity and inclusion at The Insolvency Service

Sandy rainbow


Impact worked with The Insolvency Service to give managers the confidence they require to manage and work in a diverse team.

The Insolvency Service is a committed equal opportunities employer and has a workforce whose diversity reflects this commitment.

The Service recognised that the challenges and opportunities of a diverse workforce demands more than just the right policies. Rather, it demands an actively inclusive culture, one in which everyone is able and expected to perform their best.

The Service wanted a solution that would support managers to develop the confidence, behaviours and skills needed to manage diverse teams.

Impact’s solution was based on our innovative approach to diversity as a performance issue. Impact believes diverse teams are the key to successful 21st century organisations. For organisations to recruit and retain the most talented people they need to have management structures and a culture that values and embraces diversity.

However, working in diverse teams is not simple. Impact UK and the Service’s Learning and Development department worked closely to create a bespoke solution. The result was a two-day programme that allowed participants to examine the challenges and opportunities of managing and working in, diverse teams.

Participants explored equal opportunities legislation, how to create an inclusive culture in the workplace and how to deal with problematic behaviour and performance management issues, all within the context of managing diversity. Impact brought the learning to life using a variety of methodologies including experiential projects, forum theatre and facilitated discussions.

Impact has now delivered this programme to nearly 100 managers within the Service, and the programme will be rolled out across the entire business.

The programme has been universally well received, giving participants the confidence to manage all their staff and to deal with challenging issues that arise.

Outcomes for the participants:

'The programme has given me the confidence to tackle the problems I had been ignoring because I wasn't sure how to approach them.'

'This improved my confidence in tackling performance issues and reinforced the desirable aspects of performance management.'

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Sailaja Maganti
West LB Delegate
West LB
"At Impact be prepared to look within. They can provide the key, but only you can unlock the door. What you'll find can enrich your life both personally and professionally. Release your potential...”
Michael Durrant
Learning consultant
Impact deliver long lasting change, by crafting something truly inspirational and truly different to what anyone else is offering.
Dirk Anthony
Director Audio and Language Content
"An overall culture change was needed to ensure that the leadership development solution offered by Impact, gained traction beyond the training days. Management behaviour change is critical to ensuring we are able to retain the right skill base to deliver new services in a rapidly changing media world. Coaching for Success, and its aligned leadership expectations are critical to
improving our managers, therefore our talent and then our service to audiences."