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Leadership in action for UniCredit

Road by the coast


Xelion is the Italian investment banking division of the Unicredito Group.

In early 2006, Xelion began to develop a senior and middle management leadership programme for 50 managers from central functions and sales. It needed to be innovative and challenging, with a focus on active leadership.

Impact Italia responded to Xelion’s needs by designing a Community Action Programme, to bring together the business and its communities for mutual benefit and learning.

The participants worked on a real project requiring them to design and lead a fundraising campaign taking place in 100 Italian piazzas to generate 500,000 Euros.

The managers were deeply affected by the community experience and the real consequences of their leadership actions. The community partner directly benefited from Xelion’s expertise and energy and the improved competencies of the managers.

See what our customers say about us
Patrick Wolf
Head of Human Resources
Migros Bank
The financial industry is changing rapidly, there are many disruptions knocking at our door. The shortage of professionals on the labor market not being the slightest, leaders need to interact humanly and use the power of swarm intelligence. To help us solve these problems we need to transform our business through leadership development. As we develop our leaders, we are also ready to tackle the challenges that are ahead of us, and to become more futureproof.
Andy Fell
General Manager
"After a long working relationship with Impact in the UK, I was eager to engage them in my early days as the General Manager of Premium Financial Services. We ran two sessions, one for my leadership team and another with some of our outstanding talent. Both events were brilliant. As a participant and a leader I saw immense benefits on a personal and business level. We now have clarity of vision, purpose and direction along with a unique bond that will allow us to soar to new heights."
Leading for Growth
Migros Bank
A lot has changed within my leadership style. I question my actions much more. I always try something new, I am much more courageous! I observe more consciously what is happening around me. I think about what I can improve and adjust details. I try to involve staff more in issues that concern them. In discussions, I listen actively and hopefully better, ask open questions, and to do all this much more consciously.