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Developing managers at EMC

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EMC is the market leader in data and information management solutions. Impact Italia's work with EMC to develop 'Leaders for the Future' consisted of a succession plan development programme, after which 20% of the participants achieved a top management position within six months.

EMC had undergone a large organisational change process involving the recruitment of key talent from outside their company. 

With a new structure in place, EMC wanted to secure their ‘Succession Plan’ with a talent development programme for their top managers.

Impact Italia were asked to design and deliver a programme for this talent pool that would engage new and old employees, leverage internal knowledge and drive the business forward. Acting as a shadow team to the existing board the participants must:

  • Develop the ability to act as an integrated and coordinated top team.
  • Develop a strong business mind-set coupled with an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Maintain high levels of personal enthusiasm, motivation and self-engagement.

Impact worked with key stakeholders throughout the process; initially working in close relation with the HR Director and the Board to establish a set of expected leadership behaviours that are required to be an effective member of the Italian Board Team.

The behavioural skills identified formed the design and delivery methods of Impact’s eight-month programme that included:

1. Modules focusing on specific leadership behaviours:

  • Leading Self: An experiential development centre to promote self-awareness.
  • Leading Teams: Through live and deferred group activities.
  • Leading Business: Through a highly challenging and strategic business assignment facilitated by Impact.

2. Inputs, methodologies and stretch development experiences designed to help participants operate outside of their comfort zone, all supported by team and individual coaching sessions

3. Continuous involvement, challenge and engagement from EMC Senior Managers’ to support the programme’s visibility and credibility. 


“For us, the first important result is that 20% of the programme participants had achieved a Top Management position within six months. Furthermore all participants have developed a new cooperative way of working thus helping the company to overcome interdepartmental barriers. We really appreciate Impact’s flexibility as well as their ability to manage a complex programme following both individual and organisational needs.”

Nicola Pozatti, HR Director, EMC

See what our customers say about us
"A very good initiative for ambitious people who want to develop. The programme allows you to get to know yourself and determine the directions of development, i.e. what should be planned as a next step in development."
Piero Beltrame
HR Development, SE Europe
“Our programme was a great success. The participants were deeply involved and gained awareness and motivation about ‘who I am’ and ‘what I want to change/achieve’. Many have said this was the most memorable development event they’ve ever participated in. Co-operation with Impact was excellent. We especially appreciated their consultative skills and creativity in designing the programme, their ability to listen to our needs and also their observation and feedback abilities with the participants."
Louise Turnbridge
Senior Manager - People & Organisational Development
"My brief to Impact was to create an assignment that would unite senior people in a common task to demonstrate that their combined skills create greater capacity to find solutions to strategic problems. Using the parallel challenges within the NGO’s brief, this event enabled us to address the challenges of strategic marketing in our organisation. Plus the team found extra motivation from the fact that their marketing expertise was able to really help Sight Savers."