BNP Paribas CIB (Corporate & Investment Banking) needed their graduates to develop the confidence and business knowledge to be able to act decisively within a fast-moving banking environment.
This suite of programmes was designed to be available to graduates at different stages of their careers. The programmes challenged and engaged the graduates, helping them to value learning, teamwork and creativity and were delivered consistently across offices in the UK, Europe and Asia.
BNP Paribas wanted to create a suite of graduate programmes to challenge, develop and engage their graduates at particular points in their careers with the bank. These programmes would be available to the graduates at different stages in their careers, and each event needed to consistently:
- Develop business skills and understand how to apply them in different situations
- Highlight transferable inter-personal skills and personal values
- Align with BNP Paribas’ core group values and CIB behaviours
- Demonstrate commitment to corporate social responsibility and contribute towards graduate engagement.
Impact designed two programmes for BNP Paribas:
Graduate induction
This brought the bank's culture and values to life by linking with BNP Paribas CSR partners; charities who work on social, economic and environmental projects. The graduates were challenged to devise a creative solution to solve a real need as set out by the charity. Impact introduced sessions on personal impact, presentation skills and leadership. The graduates then had to present their solutions to a panel of senior managers from the bank and representatives from the charity partner. The event concluded with an intensive review and dialogue session to reflect on the business skills used.
Personal leadership and powering forwards
Impact designed a learning journey that graduates participated in towards the end of their scheme, giving them time to reflect on their careers to date and take ownership of identifying future development opportunities.
To enable them to do this, the event included:
- Pre-course questionnaire based on CIB behaviours
- A mix of challenging experiential learning projects
- Personal reflection time to assess goals achieved and goals to aim for in their careers.
This programme was designed to have global reach and since the first successful pilot in the UK was delivered consistently in Asia and Europe.
Throughout the suite of programmes, the graduates’ used personal experiences, feedback from their peers, managers and Impact facilitators to take ownership of their own action-learning path.