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Developing managers at Alleanza

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Alleanza Assicurazioni is an Italian insurance company based in Milan. The arrival of a new general manager sparked a need to develop the performance and potential of middle managers and sales supervisors.

Impact Italia initially conducted a leadership development programme for the top team. This was the first step to building a strategic coalition for the new general manager. After the successful delivery of the programme and with their in-depth understanding of the company, Impact Italia suggested the next step should be to design a bespoke experiential development centre for selected middle managers.

Impact Italia used experiential learning techniques to transform talent, identify potential, and establish individual objectives related to development needs. This approach ensured that participants saw the experiential development centres as an opportunity to learn, and to recognise that they were part of the learning process.

The experiential development centre would:

  • Provide the general manager with objective information about managerial capacity
  • Help individual managers to understand their strengths and development areas
  • Create an organisational development plan for managerial improvement.

Impact Italia began by evaluating Alleanza Assicurazioni’s current competency framework through a series of 1:1 interviews with key stakeholders, including the general manager. This involved hosting a half-day focus group with the top management team. This consultative process generated alignment on which managerial competencies should be used in the development centre.

It was agreed that the main goal of the three-day experiential development centre was not only to assess each manager’s competencies but also to focus on their motivation to take responsibility for their own development process and performance improvement.

Elements included in the experiential development centre were: role playing, sales presentations, critical reasoning, practical exercises, and psychometric measurement. Critical to the success of the experiential development centre was a detailed feedback session that included individual performance reports and personal development plan discussion.

The project was rated highly by the organisation and the original audience was extended to include the sales supervisor population.

Over three years, Impact delivered the experiential development centre and created individual personal development plans with 400 employees within Alleanza Assicurazioni.

The experiential format ensured that the programme was engaging and popular with the participants, who felt that the event empowered them to manage their professional development.

Impact provided Alleanza Assicurazioni with a detailed report and recommendations on managerial potential, including a database with personal competency scores and distribution of the population in quartiles. This knowledge of the available strengths of their managers and sales force has enabled Alleanza Assicurazioni to develop a more informed business strategy.

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CPP Investments
‘Innovative, impactful, instigated new thinking and reflections.’
Lynne Atkin
HR Director
"The success of the Emerging Leaders Programme has exceeded my expectations. The content is relevant, the selection process is rigorous - and it delivers. We are seeing a clear increase in leadership capability within this talent population. This is now coming to fruition as we see more and more individuals who attend the programme going on to take on more demanding roles - be that within their current level or to more senior roles. The programme is recognised by our Executive Team as talent enabler."
Afroditi Bousnakis
National Head of Learning & Development
BDO Australia
"Focusing on our principals, this programme was to be dynamic and challenging, featuring leadership and business development elements aswell as opportunities to drive our strategy, mission and values. For this reason, we decided to partner with the team at Impact and The Talea Group to collaboratively scheme this long-term programme we now call Apex."