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About us

Meet the team

Impact is bursting with energetic, talented and passionate people who want to make a difference. Our people work from over 30 global locations.

Fabio Sparatore
Fabio Sparatore
Managing Partner and Executive Coach, Italy

After many years in big Italian firms, I now help clients understand and achieve their development goals. In Impact since 2003, I have gained experience in HR processes, organisational consultancy, assessment, training and development of managerial competences and leadership. I love mountain biking, silly jokes, deep reading, socialising and…meditating too. Whenever you want to work hard while having fun, call me!

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Anthony Barrett
Anthony Barrett
Senior Consultant

I am an experiential learning consultant & coach with a passion for adventure, the wild places and sustainability. I design & deliver learning experiences that help people & organisations strengthen the bridge between the business need for results and the human need for connection. I help people explore their “awareness of self” and how they can better engage with the people, systems and organisations that surround them.

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Andy Dickson, Impact International
Andy Dickson
Head of Global Customer Solutions Development

I have spent my working life helping organisations, teams and people to be the best that they can be. I believe in the power of expertly designed and facilitated experiential learning and the exciting potential that lies within every person given the right opportunity. In my work I believe that managers and leaders have a responsibility to ensure work is exciting, fulfilling and aspirational for the people working in and with their organisations.

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Trudy Brewer, Impact Australia
Trudy Brewer
Program Manager, Australia

I am responsible for the smooth running of the office and providing support to our close-knit team. With a background in design and marketing, I apply creatively to all facets in particular the development of presentations and proposals. I am passionate about health and well-being, practising yoga daily and surrounding myself with positive people which Is why I love working for Impact. 

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tonka watson
New Zealand
Tonka Watson
Senior Consultant, New Zealand

As a former client, I jumped at the chance to work with Impact in 2002 and pursue my passion for inspiring others to realise their potential. I’m an avid reader and love to incorporate my learning into the leadership development programmes that I deliver; recent topics of interest include applied neuroscience & gender dynamics. Dogs feature widely in my life outside of work.

Andrew Robinson, Impact International
Andrew Robinson
IT Manager, UK

I work in our busy IT department, helping with all things technical. I have often been referred to as a “Button Manager”, if it's got a button, then I manage it! I enjoy working in IT as it allows me to interact with every part of our business all over the world. I am a keen cyclist and enjoy working in our HQ in the English Lake District, a great place for outdoor adventures. I have worked for impact for over 15 years and am very proud of all that we achieve.

Anna Zhu
Anna Zhu
Business Support Coordinator

I offer administrative assistance to the Impact Australian team in their program delivery efforts. I'm delighted to be part of this dynamic and encouraging team, which provides me with opportunities for continuous learning and personal growth. My enthusiasm lies in embracing fresh challenges and devising innovative solutions. Outside of work, I find solace and enjoyment in the realms of food and music.

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Izzy Cambray, UK
Izzy Cambray
Marketing Support, UK

At Impact I have worn many hats from business development, project management, technical support, and currently in the marketing team. Outside of work I enjoy nothing more than getting outdoors and into the hills as a keen climber, runner, and cyclist.

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Daniel Osborn
Daniel Osborn
Business Data Analyst, UK

Having the job title 'analyst' means that I've been lucky enough to get involved in a wide range of projects both internally and working with clients. I love helping people get the most out of the tools they are using, making processes as efficient as possible and understanding data – all of which is part of my work every day. Outside of work, you’ll usually find me in the Lake District somewhere with my family.

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Naoshi Kimura (Woody)
Naoshi Kimura(Woody)
Manager, Client Success Department, Japan

Over 10 years of experience in retail industry, I experienced various roles, managing some stores as a store manager, executing retail strategies as a retail manager, and an internal trainer in the organizational change project, planning, making, delivering the programs to the managers and staffs. I am very much interested in “people change” so very happy to work at Impact to build my career as a professional of people and organizational consultant.

Itsuyo Watanabe(Barbara)
Itsuyo Watanabe(Barbara)
Director, Brand Enhancement Department, Japan

As a consultant, I like Impact's programmes because every one of our projects could make the participants think deeply about their issues in the workplace, and move forward for their business success. I am excited when exploring a solution for my clients' current and future business challenges. Besides my job, I like cooking, travelling, fine arts, musicals, Japanese KABUKI, opera etc.

Susi Biancucci
Susi Biancucci
Office Support, Italy

I joined Impact Italy 20 years ago and was immediately love! This is a fantastic place with fantastic people where to work! I support our team and I coordinating the Rome Office. I am a tireless and curious person, always looking for new things to learn. In my private life, I love cooking “pasta alla Carbonara”, reading and when I have the time I take refuge in my beloved Tuscany!

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Pete Hallworth
Pete Hallworth
Senior Consultant and Facilitator

I have been active with Impact for several years after an international career in sales and marketing. One of my main passions is to foster better leadership. Leaders that inspire, that provide their team with development opportunities, and that have vision and courage will change the world; for the better.  Another passion is helping start-up entrepreneurs get off the ground. Kindness and curiosity are two words I aspire to live by.  It is also very important to me to be kind to our planet.  It’s the only one we have.

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Hanna Świątkowska, Account Manager Director
Hanna Świątkowska
Account Manager Director

For over 20 years I have been on the path of exploring and connecting the world of business and personal development. I work with people and organisations from the perspective of their potential, possibilities and needs. I support change in organisations and accompany transformations. My role at Impact Polska is Account Management Director and Senior Consultant… AND I LOVE IT!

Mark Quest, Impact International
Mark Quest
Consultant, UK

I’ve worked in learning and development since 2000 across a broad range of sectors. I always enjoy the challenge of identifying participants needs and matching the environment, task and conversation to help create meaningful and long lasting learning. Outside of work, you'll find me exploring the outdoors with my family, be that on bikes, in canoes, rock climbing or even exploring underground; we love the challenges that adventure brings to our lives.

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Annie Tan, Regional Account Director
Annie Tan
Regional Account Director, Singapore

As an avid explorer of adventure and lover of cultures, I’m glad to have found my home base with Impact. My role is all about sparkling curiosity, connecting values, and empowering lives through meaningful work, passion, and fun! Coffee and Tea are my best friends, and I love taking road trips on bikes and capturing candid moments of people and food! You can always find me in the biography section of any bookstore!

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Chiara Fregonese
Chiara Fregonese
Senior Consultant and Head of Solutions, Italy

As a consultant, organisational psychologist, account manager and researcher…I endeavour to encompass all the different aspects of life in the organisation! To me the organization is a magic happening between individuals, groups and their work contexts. I deal with the entire consulting process: from the proposal development, to the client management, intervention delivery and evaluation process. I love the countryside, baking cakes & capoeira!

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Nguyen Lam,Japan Impact
Nguyen Lam(Lam)
Client Partner, Japan

I'm passionate about organizational psychology and behavior and joined Impact after years of experiences in global business. I was inspired by the way Impact uses unique adventurous, experiential learning solutions, and now am passionate to help clients achieve real improvements in performance as a consultant. When I am not at work, you can find me walking around the city with my camera.

Simon Brown
Simon Brown
Accountant, UK

AKA Bloodaxe. I am an accountant at Impact. When I am not at work, I enjoy spending time with my family, cycling and heavy metal. Not all at the same time, though – that’d be dangerous.

Sam Parkin, UK
Samantha Parkin
Credit Controller, UK

I'm part of the UK Accounts Department and I'm responsible for issuing all of Impact's sales invoices both electronically or by post in a multitude of currencies sent to our clients all over the world. I work closely with lots of my colleagues both here in the UK and overseas. Out of work I enjoy spending my time cycling in the beautiful Lake District Countryside, walking and spending time with family and friends.


John Scott
New Zealand
John Scott
Consultant, New Zealand

People are at the heart of everything I do and I care deeply about ensuring individuals and teams have the skills, support and temperament to best deal with their future. In my spare time I chair the board of a local art gallery and support the development of our growing community of emerging and successful artists.


Manny Larenas Impact International
Manuel (Manny) Larenas
Senior Consultant, Americas

I am devoted to applying theory, practical application and innovation to people development. As a lead designer and facilitator with 10+ years of experience, I deliver custom client solutions globally. My insatiable curiosity stays satisfied by reading, researching and exploring the world. I love the culinary arts, and although I enjoy cooking, my passion is simply being the consumer of freshly made, delectable dishes. 

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Elena Ceriotti
Elena Ceriotti
CEO, Executive coach Italy

Find a job you love and you will never work a single day in your live! I do everything from managing the business, to inspiring people and helping clients to develop as sustainable business in which the quality of leadership is crucial. People describe me as a passionate and fast moving person, able to quickly connect to the culture and the needs of each organisation and to co-design powerful solutions. I love adventure which is about saying “yes” to life.

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Yutaka Sugimoto, Impact
Yutaka Sugimoto(Yutaka)
Chief Glocal Officer, Japan

I was inspired by experiential learning on a leadership programme in 1992 and have worked for Impact ever since. Experiential learning and reflection alongside theory and skills input is a platform for real behaviour change for leaders. My passion is building an organisation worth working for and supporting our clients by developing people. I play football and enjoy discussing the match with friends. Drinking beer maybe more important than playing football.

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