各部門の部長、現場メンバーも含めた、現状把握のための社内のヒアリングを実施した結果、1.新しいことにチャレンジせず、波風を立てずに現状維持を望む考えが広まっている 2.階層化された組織の中で、コミュニケーション不全が進行しているのに気づいていない 3.部長を含め、誰も自分で考えて、自ら行動を起こすことをしていない ということが浮き彫りになった。これら組織としての問題点に大きな影響を及ぼしている部長間の信頼関係をまずは構築し、体験を通して自ら、組織課題に気づくしかけが求められていた。
Ben Harris
Programme Participant
"Before the programme I was probably what you’d call a classic micro-manager. I now delegate work to my direct reports and am enjoying watching them develop their own styles and strengths supported with my coaching. I am proud of the development I’m seeing in the people around me now that I’m letting them expand their capabilities and helping them achieve their full potential."
Nicky Badrick
Global Graduate Development Manager
BNP Paribas
"Impact have delivered a series of action packed and very memorable programmes for our graduates. The events have enabled them to really bond as a team and feel engaged with a new perspective towards their career and future. These programmes have run like clockwork, and thanks to the whole Impact team, it felt like we had been adopted by a new family during our time with you."
Louise Turnbridge
Senior Manager - People & Organisational Development
"My brief to Impact was to create an assignment that would unite senior people in a common task to demonstrate that their combined skills create greater capacity to find solutions to strategic problems. Using the parallel challenges within the NGO’s brief, this event enabled us to address the challenges of strategic marketing in our organisation. Plus the team found extra motivation from the fact that their marketing expertise was able to really help Sight Savers."