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Wellbeing & Personal Development

What does wellbeing mean to you?

Beach from above
Published: July 2, 2024
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A wellbeing icebreaker

At the start of our virtual team meetings, we start with a 10-minute ice breaker. These can have a work focus, a getting to know you focus, or be totally random (rock, paper, scissors anyone?). But as World Wellbeing Week approached, we used this time to answer the question 'what does wellbeing mean to you?' Here are some of our thoughts:

Social connection

Working from home, living life through screens and busy schedules are part of life, but isolation can creep up on you. I make a point to take some time each day to call someone, even just saying hello for five minutes can make a huge difference.


I don’t have a strict routine, but starting my day by making a cafetière of coffee helps me find my focus. It gives me the headspace to assess what’s coming up, do I need to slow down, do I need to gather some energy? If I’m away and miss this start to my day, coming back to it always provides me a sense of wellbeing.


There’s a mountain range near my home that is my sanctuary. If I need a break, some perspective or am in a spiral that I can’t break I know that being in this place will help. It’s not always practical to get there, so closing my eyes and thinking of the sounds, sights and sensations can bring me calm.

Appreciating the details

I take a break by getting really focused on what’s around me. The detail of the blossom on a tree, my child’s expression as I read him a story or the delight in my dog as she chases her ball. This can make me realise that the world is made up of tiny moments and help me step away from big picture anxieties.


Wellbeing is about tuning in to my needs and fulfilling them. Identifying activities that boost my energy and mood, like exercise, meditation, or eating well. Then acting in a way that brings just enough satisfaction to offset any regrets – too much sugar = regrets, so cutting down on cake is worth it!


A recent experience of paying it forward in a café boosted both my wellbeing and that of the hungry cyclist caught without his wallet. It reminded me that kindness can come in all guises, it doesn’t have to be financial; it can be any gesture that makes a significant impact on someone’s day.


Exercising makes me feel capable even when everything else is going wrong.

In conclusion

  1. If you’re looking for an icebreaker I can highly recommend this open question - it was like a virtual hug, offering some new ideas and the realisation that just thinking about wellbeing had a positive impact on my wellbeing. 
  2. We all have different activities that boost our wellbeing. But there's a red thread - and to me it's about taking control, not of the wider world, but of your own self. Of spotting a need to look after yourself and doing the thing that will best help you. 

Find out more

Impact's approach to wellbeing in the workplace


Ailie Shackleton is Head of Content Marketing at Impact