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Impact 认为,团队发展是构建以人为本的组织不可或缺的一部分。我们与客户合作,提升关键任务团队的绩效,并在组织的各个层面建立有效的团队工作文化。   




Impact 的团队绩效健康表是一个诊断工具,具有深入的洞察力,可帮助团队清楚地了解其绩效情况。通过详细的在线评估,它可以全面地分析团队在六个关键绩效领域的自我评估情况。   


在 Impact,我们与线上团队和线上线下混合团队合作,让他们专注于在新常态下蓬勃发展。我们知道,只要有新的团队成员加入,团队就会发生变化。我们在团队的所在地与其会面,打造独特的线上和混合学习体验。   


  • 主要利益相关者保持外部协调,确保有效的人际关系和沟通。  
  • 明确、参与度高且透明的统一目标。  
  • 所有人都理解且认可的合作方式。  
  • 高质量的对话以及举行有效会议和相互学习的能力。  
  • 在整个团队中保持有效人际关系,能够开展高难度谈话。  
  • 整个团队共享高绩效观念,并拥有明确期望。  


Team Development
Transformational Leadership

Leadership Team Development Programme

Building a high performance team culture

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Team Development

Managers Development Programme

A bite-sized coaching program for people developers and team members

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Team Development

Modular Team Development Programme

Przełożenie wizji, misji i wartości organizacji na codzienną praktykę biznesową na wszystkich szczeblach Teva.

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Is your team ready for success?

Six Key Questions You Should Ask Yourselves Based upon interest in our recent piece on Team Success , where we explored 6 questions related to team success and performance, we’re now going to take a...

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Team management in a hybrid working model

Hybrid working has become a permanent fixture in a wide variety of global organisations. This shift brings benefits but also real challenges for managers. How do you effectively lead dispersed teams...

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Teams or groups of superstars?

"What we need to do is learn to work in the system, by which I mean that everybody, every team, every platform, every division, every component is there not for competitive profit or recognition, but...

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Our Awards

Year after year, we continue to be acknowledged for the quality and effectiveness of our partnerships with clients and for our own work on building Impact as an organisation worth working for.

Top 20 Leadership Training Company 2024
Top 20 Leadership Training Company 2024

Impact have been recognised as a 2024 Leadership Training Top 20 Company by Training Industry for the 14th consecutive year. We’re proud that our dedication to leadership development through experiential learning continues to be recognised by Training Industry, Inc.

More about the award (opens in a new tab)
Bronze award for best advance in leadership development Shutterstock
Bronze award for best advance in leadership development 2023

Shutterstock and Impact won bronze at the 2023 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards for best advance in leadership development. The leadership summit for vice presidents supported organisational change following the pandemic. 

More about the award (opens in a new tab)