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我们充满活力、才华横溢且热情洋溢,想要有所作为,分布在全球 30 多个地点。

Trees and roads
Tony Ren, Impact
China and Hong Kong
Tony Ren
Country Manager, China

Having worked at Impact's UK HQ and Tokyo office, I have been heading up Impact China and developing new business in China and Asia Pacific since 2009. As a professional consultant, I have over fifteen years of management experience covering strategic planning, organizational effectiveness, business development, and worldwide operational excellence. I am extensively involved in the development and delivery of talent development projects at all levels of organisations. 

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David Muir, Impact
China and Hong Kong
David Muir
Client Solutions

An avid traveller and outdoor adventure enthusiast I jump at the opportunity to try new things and am a pioneer at heart. I have spent the better part of the last 10 years working in experiential education and am deeply committed to developing responsible and sustainable leadership. I am passionate about inspiring, motivating and engaging people to fulfil their potential.

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Damiao Lo
China and Hong Kong
Damiao Lo
Senior Consultant, China

Working with Impact allows me to cross-germinate ideas and learnings between clients globally. In an ever-changing, dynamic business environment, I promote everyone to be designers of possibilities.

Michelle Dong
China and Hong Kong
Michelle Dong
Senior Consultant, China

In all my work, I am driven by a profound interest in what moves and motivates people. I believe that everybody can make significant improvements through continuous self-exploration. I deliver individual coaching, workshops and training programs with the focus of increasing the potential of Senior Managers and High Potentials and developing their team leadership skills as well as helping them with behavioural change initiatives which naturally bring along performance improvements.