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About us

Meet the team

Impact is bursting with energetic, talented and passionate people who want to make a difference. Our people work from over 30 global locations.

Scott Rose, Impact
Scott Rose
General Manager, UK

My Impact career began in 2003 with a passion for adventure as a learning experience. Throughout my years at Impact, I've worked with incredibly talented colleagues, clients and people at all levels of leadership seeking to thrive at work. I love helping others make a difference in the world, am a bit of a science geek, a keen runner and love being a Dad to my three young boys.

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Abi Black Impact
Abi Black
Project Manager, UK

As a Project Manager I am responsible for the end-to-end implementation of our client solutions by managing and coordinating the client service teams. During my time at Impact I have worked with a broad mixture of clients and participants ranging from graduates to senior leaders. In my free time I enjoy spending time in the Lakes, planning my next holiday and spending time with friends and family.

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Dom Fitch Impact
Dom Fitch
Head of Creative Change

I’m passionate about experiential learning and learning through play. I enjoy inspiring groups to better themselves, to collaborate and share skills, to be ambitious for each other and those around them. I have extensive experience working in the cultural, education and corporate sectors. I’m an award winning theatre maker who has directed shows for the Queen, the Prime Minister and West End audiences. Out of work you’ll find me building Lego unicorns with my daughter.

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Erin Tetarenko, Impact Australia
Erin Tetarenko
Senior Consultant, Australia

My enthusiasm for life is ignited when surrounded by inspiring people and growing through exploration. Born in Canada, my passions have led me to travel within various countries. I joined Impact motivated by their commitment to empowering people and business cultures to thrive while making a positive difference. As a coach and facilitator, I draw on over 10 years facilitating in personal development and wellness.

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Carrie Fritz Impact International
Carrie Fritz
Head of Program Management, Americas

I'm passionate about helping those around me grow and develop. I encourage my team to bring themselves into everything they do.  Our diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives help us partner efficiently and effectively with colleagues and clients.  As a traveller at heart, I’ve visited 31 of the 50 US states, 14 countries and 8 Caribbean islands. I love experiencing new cultures, enjoying the great outdoors and trying local cuisine.

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Connor Gildert, Sales, US
Connor Gildert
Sales Operations Administrator, USA

I work alongside our business development team to ensure we provide quality service to our global clients. I also work closely with our internal teams to help do our bit to help develop the local community. Impact gives me the space to be myself, which usually gets me into trouble...

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Lucy Gardner, UK
Lucy Gardner
Project Coordinator, UK

As a Project Coordinator, the main focus of my role is to help organise and set up a variety of global programmes as part of the Project Management team. My favourite way to spend my time outside of work is travelling to different places and countries, and after moving to the Lake District a few years ago, I love being based in such a beautiful place every day!

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Sarah Golding, Impact International
Sarah Golding
Head of Account Management, UK

Here at Impact I have the pleasure of managing a portfolio of impressive global programmes and a number of our key clients. I like to simplify the complex, gain clarity where there is ambiguity and drive efficiency and quality through my project teams. I love meeting different people and understanding what makes them tick! I'm full of energy, constantly smiling and always ready for the next adventure.

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Stephen Smith, Impact UK
Stephen Smith
DevOps Lead, UK

I am the DevOps Lead at Zinco, helping Impact build its web presence. I love the diversity my role brings, I work with many types of organisations and interact with some amazing people. I’m a problem solver and love tinkering with new technology to see what’s around the corner. Outside of work my passion is cycling and enjoying time with my family.

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Ilaria Capogrossi Guarna
Ilaria Capogrossi Guarna
Key Account Support

I had the chance to join Impact Italy in June 2022 Joining Impact has added value to my professional background giving me the opportunity to work with very special collegues in a world company.I support our team and I coordinate the Milan Office.

In my spare time I like to travel to discover new destinations and people. I love animals and sports, especially skiing.

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Araya Assawapayukul
Araya Assawapayukul
Operation and Programme Manager, Singapore

Lucky me, I have a job that allows me to be a Human Doing and a Human Being. I love connecting and building relationships with people through my work. I appreciate what I have rather than what I don’t have. Photography has been my passion since I was young! I love capturing people’s expressions, emotions and feelings. I use my photos to tell stories of myself, amazing people that I’ve met and inspiring places that I’ve been to.

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Andy Dickson, Impact International
Andy Dickson
Head of Global Customer Solutions Development

I have spent my working life helping organisations, teams and people to be the best that they can be. I believe in the power of expertly designed and facilitated experiential learning and the exciting potential that lies within every person given the right opportunity. In my work I believe that managers and leaders have a responsibility to ensure work is exciting, fulfilling and aspirational for the people working in and with their organisations.

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tonka watson
New Zealand
Tonka Watson
Senior Consultant, New Zealand

As a former client, I jumped at the chance to work with Impact in 2002 and pursue my passion for inspiring others to realise their potential. I’m an avid reader and love to incorporate my learning into the leadership development programmes that I deliver; recent topics of interest include applied neuroscience & gender dynamics. Dogs feature widely in my life outside of work.

Ellie Taylor, Impact International
Ellie Taylor
Solutions Designer, UK

As a Designer I am focussed on using Impact's experiential learning methodologies to create solutions which enable and sustain behaviour change. Prior to Impact I worked in the public sector where I gained experience in project and relationship management through partnership work with other public bodies and community organisations. I love going on outdoor adventures but I admit to being ‘fair-weather’ (and proud!) so on a wet day you can find me reading by a fire or in the kitchen testing out new recipes.

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Giuseppe Florimonte
Giuseppe Florimonte
Managing Partner and Head of Sales, Italy

Father of three, happily married to one, and manager of some, I love numbers and sales, but I also like to ideate, design and deliver challenging programmes, either in training or consultancy. In Impact for more than 15 years, I still very much enjoy the consultancy process, especially account and client management. At work, I am acknowledged (and sometimes blamed) for dreaming big and joking a lot!

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Daniele Filzi
Daniele Filzi
Experiential Solutions Specialist, Italy

With over 20 years at Impact, I've contributed to the design and delivery of over a thousand programmes. And what if the secret of success is to continue to refine something even if you've done it dozens of times? Outside of work, I like gardening and interior design. I live on the crest of an extinct volcano, with the Mediterranean Sea to my west. After sunset I keep fit by jogging around a golf course.

Erin DeVito, Impact International
Erin DeVito
General Manager, Americas

As a mom to 4 girls I am constantly reminded that I am human, it's inescapable. I am completely honored that over the last 12 years I spend my days working with fantastic teams and amazing clients to do work that enables us all to embrace our individual humanness and work to create environments where people can grow and learn everyday! My hope and goal is together, the work we do today brings a brighter future for us all.

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Alia Bojilova
New Zealand
Alia Bojilova
Consultant and Psychologist, New Zealand

I dedicate my time to working with leaders and teams in unlocking potential, strengthening alignment and in stimulating innovation, in a way that sees us surpass the visions we uphold.

Mark Sanders, Impact International
Mark Sanders
Head of Operations, UK

I manage equipment, projects and vehicles at our HQ. I have a certificate of competence in the inspection of personal protective equipment for adventure activities, level 3 qualification in transport managers professional competence and IOSH managing safely certificate. My sense of humour helps me to cope with a job which is at best dull. Playing guitar with the infamous Impact band "you get what you pay for" is simultaneously the moment I'm most and least proud of.

Claire Hewick, Impact
Claire Hewick
Support, UK

I was an associate for Impact for 21 years before becoming part of the full-time team. I love the sense of fun, friendship, camaraderie and the way Impact works. Oh, by the way I’m on the Technical Support Team – ropes and boats, programme design and logistics and lots of other things too. I love my job, get loads of out of it, meet lots of amazing people and learn new things all the time – how lucky am I?

Mirko Brinoni
Mirko Brinoni
Consultant and Facilitator

My career has been very weird and challenging so far. I graduated in industrial chemistry, then worked as a research scientist. In 2014 I moved to the energy field as consultant and account manager in charge of technical trainings and management courses. This job lasted 10 years and made me passionate about human resources management. I joined Impact where I can improve my skills as a trainer and facilitator and cooperate with a real great team.

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Jessica Cucco
Jessica Cucco
Senior Consultant and Executive coach, Italy

With over 25 year experience working as a Consultant and Executive Coach specialized in People Management and in topics related to organizational development, I had the chance to come across Impact after  an International experience in UAE and South Korea. Living abroad I got familar with different cultures and change. Coaching people along their transformational journey, supporting organizations throughout change is what really matters to me, my job!

Agnese Calcagno
Agnese Calcagno
Senior Consultant and Facilitator

I joined Impact in 2022 after many years in the Human Resources Departments, Career development path in the Communication, Marketing, Sales and CRM Departments of multinational companies and five years as a Consultant and Coach. I have developed very solid skills in all the processes that regulate the life and development of people and results in organizations. I love travelling, but the most exciting journey has always been the one I do with people.

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Cassie Cuppek
Cassie Cuppek
Senior Consultant, Americas

When asked, "What do you do for work?" it is not uncommon for me to respond, "Light Bulb Moment Technician". I have been fortunate to be filled with such energy through my talent, leadership, and organisational development work. When I am not working, I take my role as Aunt Cassie with my husband, Josh, very seriously! It is the greatest thrill to teach them to ride motorcycles, do yoga, and explore the world.

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