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Management Off-site

Coniferous forest by the water




各部門の部長、現場メンバーも含めた、現状把握のための社内のヒアリングを実施した結果、1.新しいことにチャレンジせず、波風を立てずに現状維持を望む考えが広まっている 2.階層化された組織の中で、コミュニケーション不全が進行しているのに気づいていない 3.部長を含め、誰も自分で考えて、自ら行動を起こすことをしていない ということが浮き彫りになった。これら組織としての問題点に大きな影響を及ぼしている部長間の信頼関係をまずは構築し、体験を通して自ら、組織課題に気づくしかけが求められていた。






Kieran Simpson
Head of Public Affairs
Scottish & Newcastle
"The assignment has been so successful for both organisations that they are building upon the work already achieved for a sustainable, ongoing partnership for the future. The partnership with Turning Point is an important element of Scottish & Newcastle's approach to responsible drinking. This project provided an opportunity to practise the skills learnt in the workshops and has enabled our graduates to learn the realities and practicalities of working as a team."
Stephen Dando
Business Sponsor of Generate
Thomson Reuters
In reality, one of the biggest challenges is global virtualisation and we got it right through our Generate programme. It's a profound experience for participants, that also deepens loyalty to Thomson Reuters.
Cate Harris
Group Head of Sustainability & Global Head of Lendlease Foundation
“People always talk about the ‘Magic of Springboard’… I am so pleased to hear that even in a virtual format, during this most unusual of times that it’s still working its magic.”